Membership Rank System

Your membership rank will be decided based on the amount of ticket purchases.
Your membership rank will be decided based on the amount of ticket purchases.
Rank Monthly Ticket Purchases Discount
Platinum rank $150.00~ 3.00%
Gold rank $85.00~$149.99 2.00%
Silver rank $45.00~$84.99 1.00%
Bronze rank $15.00~$44.99 0.50%
Regular rank ~$14.99 0.00%
Your rank for the following month will depend on the total of your ticket purchases from the beginning to the end of the current month.
The rank will be valid only for the following month.
Example: Ticket purchases between May 1st and May 31st will determine the user's rank for the period between June 1st and June 30th.
If there are not enough ticket purchases to keep the same rank from one month to the next, the membership rank will go down.
In that case, the rank will also be decided depending on how many ticket purchases were made the previous month.
Example: 160$ worth of tickets were purchased during May, the rank will go up to Platinum during June as follows:
Rank Unchanged: more than $150 in ticket purchases during June
Rank Downgrade e.g.1: If during June the ticket purchase amount is lower than $14.99, the rank will go down to Regular
Rank Downgrade e.g. 2: If during June the ticket purchase amount is $46, the rank will go down to Silver